1. 1. The potassium concentration in red cells of 21 Barbary sheep showed a bimodal distribution, with five animals of LK type (K + cone. 30–45 mM) and 16 of HK type (K + conc. 80–95 mM). 2. 2. Evidence is presented that both L p and l 1antigens are present on LK Barbary sheep red cells. 3. 3. Active K +transport in LK Barbary sheep red cells was stimulated 3–5 fold by sheep and goat anti-L. 4. 4. Active K + transport in HK Barbary sheep red cells was higher than in LK red cells. Five out of six HK animals tested showed no stimulation of active K + transport with anti-L. One HK animal (2BA2) showed some stimulation of active K + transport, and also absorbed some anti-L from antisera, suggesting that L p antigen is present on these red cells. 5. 5. Ouabain-sensitive ATPase in membranes from HK and LK Barbary sheep red cells showed kinetics characteristic of HK and LK membranes of domestic goats and sheep; the ATPase of LK Barbary sheep membranes sensitized with anti-L was stimulated 2-fold due to an alteration in the internal sodium and potassium affinities in favour of sodium.
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