A spectator axion-gauge sector, minimally coupled to the inflaton, with the axion experiencing a momentary stage of fast roll during cosmological inflation, can generate unique signatures in primordial density fluctuations and the gravitational wave background. We present the first lattice simulation of this system using a novel hybrid numerical scheme. This approach solves the fully nonlinear dynamics of the axion-gauge sector while treating the gravitational interaction between the axion and inflaton linearly. Initially, we test the validity of the WKB approximation in the linear regime. We then investigate strong backreaction dynamics within the axion-gauge sector. Our findings reveal that backreaction significantly suppresses the growth of the gauge field and the amplitude of scalar perturbations. The simulation also allows us to analyze the non-Gaussianity of scalar fluctuations, including higher-order statistics. We show that, although non-Gaussianity is suppressed by strong backreaction, it remains higher than in the minimal model where the axion coincides with the inflaton. Our results highlight the need for simulations to make robust predictions to test against data from gravitational wave interferometers and large-scale structure surveys.
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