When fast neutrons were first employed for irradiating biological material more than ten years ago, it was apparent that the choice of a unit was a difficult problem. It was realized at the outset that the best basis of comparison with x- or gamma radiation was energy absorption in tissue. A determination of this quantity, however, was not practicable especially in routine measurements, and for that reason a more convenient unit was needed. In 1942 Aebersold and Lawrence (1) introduced the n unit, which represents the quantity of neutron radiation that will produce the same ionization in a 100-r Victoreen chamber as 1 roentgen of x-radiation. The n unit has since been used extensively to quantitate neutron exposures of biological material, although it suffers from a number of limitations. Among these is the fact that the unit is arbitrary in the sense that the factor relating the response of the ionization chamber to energy absorbed in tissue depends on a number of complex variables, most of which depend on neutron energy. Examples of these are: relative interaction cross sections for neutrons; stopping power, relative to air, of the wall material of the chamber for the recoil nuclei produced; the ratio of energy loss and ionization for these nuclei; and corrections for the fact that the chamber dimensions may be comparable to the range of the ionizing particles. Aebersold and Anslow (2), taking into account these and other factors, came to the conclusion that tissues exposed to 1 n of fast neutrons receive between 1.98 and 2.5 times as much energy as when exposed to 1 r of hard x-rays. Another difficulty lies in the fact that Victoreen chambers are not designed for the measurement of fast neutrons. Consequently, they may show considerable variation in response. This may be due to such factors as difference of wall thickness, variation in the thickness of the interior conducting coating, and inequality of dimensions of the sensitive volume. As a result, two chambers having equal sensitivity to x-rays may exhibit appreciable differences when exposed to neutrons. In the absence of better, readily available, reference standards, these chambers have been used in spite of the above-mentioned drawbacks. It is therefore a matter of interest to obtain further information on the energy absorbed by tissue exposed to 1 n of fast neutrons and on the likely limits of variation of this quantity caused by inherent differences between Victoreen chambers. In the following are reported the results of the calibrations of a number of Victoreen chambers at two neutron sources. While the actual figures apply, of course, only to the actual conditions of this study, they have general applicability, since the sources employed are typical and because the variations in chamber response suggest limits within which the n unit is likely to be a consistent basis for comparison.