The main objective was to reduce the retention time at the bus stops, time for drivers’ administrative actions, fuel consumption, air pollution emissions of SO2 and to increase the solvency of the company.For the realization of the set objectives it was needed: to introduce electronic billing system with the use of contactless - chip card as a monthly ticket, all vehicles will be equipped with electronic conditions for the sale of individual tickets and recording contactless - chip card and receive training for direct partcipants. All vehicles are equipped with electronic conditions for the sale of individual tickets and recording contactless - chip card. All the participants involved in the use of electronic ticketing systems are trained and equipped with the necessary means.The result of the introduction of electronic toll collection system is to reduce: the retention time at the bus stops and to ensure good performance of administrative driver. The importance of introducing electronic toll collection system is the reduction of fuel consumption, air pollution emissions of SO2, faster handover and discharge of collected cards and increase the solvency of the company.