PDF HTML阅读 XML下载 导出引用 引用提醒 杭州午潮山天然次生林木本幼苗组成及其时空分布格局 DOI: 10.5846/stxb202105191310 作者: 作者单位: 作者简介: 通讯作者: 中图分类号: 基金项目: 浙江省省属科研院所扶持专项(2021F1065-6,2020F1065-4) Composition and the spatio-temporal distribution pattern of tree seedling in natural secondary forest of Wuchao Mountain, Hangzhou Author: Affiliation: Fund Project: Zhejiang Provincial Research Institutes Support Special Projects(2021F1065-6, 2020F1065-4)。 摘要 | 图/表 | 访问统计 | 参考文献 | 相似文献 | 引证文献 | 资源附件 | 文章评论 摘要:木本植物幼苗是森林生态系统的重要的组成部分,其定居、存活、生长的生态学过程对于森林植被的更新具有潜在指示和筛选作用。为探究浙江杭州午潮山亚热带常绿阔叶次生林群落更新和演替机制,基于样方法对150 m2样地内天然更新幼苗的物种组成、数量特征和基径结构进行统计,在此基础上采用最近邻分析和Ripley's K函数的点格局方法,分析其中主要优势树种的更新动态及其时空分布格局。结果表明:(1)样地内乔木幼苗树种组成丰富,共调查到幼苗811株,隶属12科20属27种,其中樟科Lauraceae、壳斗科Fagaceae、山茶科Theaceae和山矾科Symplocaceae为主要优势科。(2)红楠Machilus thunbergii、薄叶润楠M. leptophylla、毛柄连蕊茶Camellia fraterna和刨花润楠M. spauhoi在所有调查物种重要值排序前4,因而被确定为优势林下植物,绘制的基径结构小提琴图(violin plot)进一步显示它们的种群分属快速增长型、稳定增长型、缓慢增长型和稳定型。(3)红楠、薄叶润楠和刨花润楠在小径级和小尺度上多呈聚集分布,随生长发育和空间尺度的增加,聚集强度呈现先增高后降低趋势,最终向离散分布或随机分布转变,可视为群落演替的早期树种;同时,三者在聚集强度上有所差异,排序为红楠>薄叶润楠>刨花润楠。毛柄连蕊茶Camellia fraterna种群密度较低,在小径级和小尺度上呈随机分布,随生长发育和空间尺度的增加,聚集强度呈波动趋势,最终向离散分布转变,可视为演替的中期树种。本研究在小尺度上初步揭了午潮山木本幼苗种群的演替过程中的种群结构和分布格局,可以为亚热带森林管理与植被恢复提供理论依据。 Abstract:Woody plant seedlings are an essential part of the forest ecosystem, and their ecological processes of settlement, survival and growth are potential indicators and screening for forest vegetation regeneration. To explore the regeneration and succession mechanism of the community of the subtropical evergreen broad-leaved secondary forest in Hangzhou Wuchao Mountain, Zhejiang Province, the species composition, quantitative characteristics and stem base diameter (SBD) classes of the natural regeneration seedlings in a 150 m2 plot were counted based on the sample plot method. On this basis, the nearest neighbor analysis (NNA) and the point pattern method of Ripley's K function were adopted to analyze the regeneration dynamics of the main dominant tree species and their spatio-temporal distribution patterns. Results showed that (1) tree seedlings in the plot are rich in species composition. A total of 811 seedlings were investigated, belonging to 12 families, 20 genera and 27 species, among which Lauraceae, Fagaceae, Theaceae and Symplocaceae are the main dominant families. (2) Machilus thunbergii, M. leptophylla, Camellia fraterna and M. spauhoi were identified as dominant understory plants, ranking the top four position in importance values of all investigated species. Meanwhile, the violin plot of the SBD classes further shows that the populations of these species belong to the fast-growing type, stable-growing type, slow-growing type and stable type, respectively. (3) M. thunbergii, M. leptophylla and M. spauhoi are mostly clustered at the small SBD classes and small scales. With the increase of growth and spatial scale, the clustering intensity firstly increases and then decreases, and finally changes to a discrete distribution or a random distribution. As the growth and development and the spatial scale increase, the aggregation intensity fluctuates and eventually transforms to a discrete distribution, which can be regarded as a mid-term succession tree species. Meanwhile, the three trees are different in the intensity of aggregation, sorted as M. thunbergii > M. leptophylla > M. spauhoi. The population density of Camellia fraterna is relatively low, and it is randomly distributed on small SBD classes and small scale. With the increase of growth and spatial scale, the aggregation intensity fluctuates, and finally becomes a discrete distribution. Therefore, C. fraterna can be regarded as the middle stage of succession. This study initially revealed the population structure and distribution pattern in the succession process of Wuchao Mountain woody seedling population on a small scale, which can provide a theoretical basis for subtropical forest management and vegetation restoration. 参考文献 相似文献 引证文献
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