The (n,γ) reaction cross-section for the elements 68Zn, 96Zr, 121Sb and 123Sb, present in the reactor structural/shielding materials, was measured by neutron activation technique in the neutron energy region of 1–2 MeV as very limited data is available in this energy range. Further, the neutron spectrum peaks in this energy region for the fast breeder reactors and proposed accelerator driven sub-critical systems. The natural strontium (natSr) element was used as a neutron flux monitor by considering effective combined reaction cross-section for 86Sr(n,γ)87Srm and 87Sr(n,n′)87Srm reactions. The pellets of mixture of sample and monitor were irradiated by a quasi-mono energetic fast neutron beam, generated by 7Li(p,n)7Be reaction at FOTIA, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India. The activity of activation products was measured by off-line gamma-ray spectrometry using High Purity Germanium Detector (HPGe). The present data with improved uncertainty and covariance analysis enhance the cross-section data base for better constraining the evaluated data and theoretical models. The theoretical (n,γ) reaction cross-sections were calculated using TALYS 1.96, which could reasonably explain the present data with the Fermi gas level density prescription.