A rechargeable battery that employs a Li metal anode requires that Li be plated and stripped in a uniform fashion during cycling. In “anode-free” configurations, plating will occur on the surface of the Cu current collector (CC) during the initial cycle and in any subsequent cycle where the capacity of the cell is fully accessed. Under these circumstances phenomena at the Li/CC interface play an important role. On the other hand, at intermediate states of charge, maintaining interfacial contact between the anode and the solid electrolyte is a key factor in the operation of solid state batteries. This contact is controlled by chemical interactions at the interface (DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.7b03002), but is also influenced by phenomena in the bulk regions of the anode, such as mass transport and plastic deformation. This presentation will provide an overview of atomic scale simulations that characterize several of these phenomena: interfacial interactions with the CC and with the solid electrolyte, mass transport within the anode, and deformation mechanisms of bulk Li. As one example, a multi-scale model is developed for predicting transport properties within the anode. The model predicts that a Li microstructure consisting of columnar, micron-scale grains can improve cycling performance due to fast grain boundary diffusion that can minimize void formation at the solid electrolyte interface (DOI: 10.1039/D3TA03814A). As another example, a combination of first-principles calculations and sessile drop experiments were used characterize the thermodynamics and adhesive (i.e., wetting) properties of interfaces involving Li and other phases present on or near the CC. It is demonstrated that Cu CCs can exhibit both lithiophillic and lithiophobic interactions with Li. These heterogeneities impact the performance of anode-free Li metal batteries (DOI: 10.1021/acsami.3c19034).
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