The purpose of the study: assessment of the ecological state and sustainability of land use (local level) to improve the productivity of land use. Research methods: system analysis has become the main method of this scientific work. The works and works of scientists who studied the problems of sustainable development, agricultural land management, soil diversity, climate became the methodological basis of our scientific research. Well-known scientific methods were also used: monographic, analysis and synthesis, statistical processing of analytical information, cartographic and others. Research results. The methodology for the environmental assessment of the state and sustainability of agrolandscapes at the local level makes it possible to determine their agroindustrial potential and prevent the degradation of agricultural land. On the example of a municipal district with an area of 198 thousand hectares, located in the dry steppe zone of the Altai Krai, an environmental assessment of the state and sustainability of agricultural landscapes was carried out. We compiled a unique landscape map-scheme on which five landscape areas were identified. It was established that 80% of the territory is occupied by ancient alluvial flat and slightly undulating plains with chestnut soils, in combination with dark chestnut and meadow chestnut soils, solonetsous in places. Agricultural landscapes are everywhere subject to deflationary processes. It was determined that the agricultural development of the territory exceeds 94%, the coefficient of ecological stability of the agricultural landscape is 0,27, the coefficient of anthropogenic load is 3,62 points, the coefficient of the ecological state of the agricultural landscape is 0,30, which characterizes the territory as extremely highly developed (59% of landscapes – very unstable, 36% – unstable, and only 3 % and 2 % – very and moderately resistant, respectively). The results of the research can be used in the design and organization of farming systems at the level of an agricultural organization. Conclusions. 1. It has been established that the studied agrolandscapes are typical for large areas of the south of Western Siberia and Northern Kazakhstan in terms of a whole range of conditions and factors. 2. Particular attention in the environmental assessment of the state and sustainability of agricultural landscapes at the local level should be given to the structure of the land fund, agricultural land, sown areas and crop rotations. 3. It was determined that the studied agrolandscapes are experiencing a critical anthropogenic load, degradation (deflationary) processes are manifested everywhere on the territory, sustainability indicators characterize two-thirds of the territory as very unstable, more than 30% as unstable, and only 5% of landscapes are stable. 4. Research results can be used in the design and organization of farming systems at the level of an agricultural organization.
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