This paper presents the smart irrigation system using Internet of Things (IoT) via the Arduino Mega 2560. The objectives of this paper are to investigate the concept of smart irrigation system using IoT, to develop a system using an Arduino Mega 2560 that processes the data from the soil sensor which automatically water the plant and to analyse the real time condition of soil of the plants via the smart phone that is connected to the internet. The scope of the study is focused on farming crops and gardening. The limitations of this project can be very expensive if it is applied on a big area. It had to install the sensors for every plant as it is needed to know the condition of the soil. Water pump must also be added for every plant in order to supply the water. In this project, it requires blynk application software on the smartphone and hardware implementation which can detect the condition of the plant by using the dht 11 sensor and moisture level sensor. The findings of this paper are based on the experiments that were done. The first two experiments were between smart irrigation and normal irrigation. After 7 days, the results showed that smart irrigation topple the normal irrigation. Then, it proceeded to the next 3 experiments which are with the appearance of sunlight, pH values of the water and the windy condition. The conclusion of this paper is based on the objectives which all the three objectives had already achieved. Keywords—smart irrigation, Arduino Mega 2560, soil sensor, dht 11 sensor, water pump.
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