N RECENT YEARS, friendly living environment and fresh air are being pursued more and more urgently. Therefore, the development and application of air purification disinfection systems draws increasing public attention, and its market demand continues to grow. In such systems, the control of its internal air flow directly affects the effect of air purification. Previous studies have mainly focused on the control of the average wind speed. For example, Li Yin made a more systematic summary of the raditional PID algorithm-based fan control [1]; Li Ke, who designed an expert-fuzzy PID control system, has introduced the intelligent control and made some innovations [2]; B. R. Sorensen, who takes into full consideration low-carbon, environmental and other factors, designed a more energy-efficient fan control strategy, and made the fan more energy efficient through the control [3]. However, owing to the uneven distribution of the wind speed in the space, the results obtained by the average wind speed are, in fact, valid only for some local area of the system. When the overall performance of the system is considered, the control of gas flow of surface uniformity is very important, which is rarely seen in the previous researches. In the field of industrial control, wind power, aerospace, and the uneven distribution of wind speed have a strong impact on the scientific research and product performance. Thus, the even control of the wind must be taken seriously. Considering the above factors, this paper presents a control algorithm based on the hydrodynamic theory and optimal control methods, analyzing the performance of the algorithm in order to get a satisfactory performance of the control system.