Mouse expanded simple tandem repeats (ESTRs) provide highly informative loci for analyzing spontaneous and induced germline mutation. We have conducted an extensive sequence database search and identified 17 new members of the highly unstable rodent-specific ESTR family called MMS10. This family has arisen by independent expansions of a common GGCAGA repeat unit from within a subset of both ancestral and modern SINE B1 elements during the course of mouse evolution. Analysis of the interspersion patterns of variant repeats along alleles of 20 of these MMS10 loci revealed two distinct classes of tandem arrays: one composed of uninterrupted GGCAGA repeats and the second with generally larger arrays interrupted by variant units. Surveys of allelic diversity at 11 representative members of these two classes of loci in various laboratory strains and BXD recombinant inbred lines revealed that the level of repeat instability was positively correlated with the length of uninterrupted repeats. Turnover processes at MMS10 loci, therefore, appear similar to the type of mechanism observed at human microsatellites. The MMS10 family thus provides a potentially useful murine model for studying dynamic mutation at simple tandem repeats.