Traffic accidents represent a serious problem in Jordan. The major objective of this study was to investigate the effect of pavement conditions on urban road accidents. To achieve the objective of the study, 25 urban pavement sections were selected. A comprehensive data base, including pavement conditions in terms of pavement condition index (PCI), traffic volume, and traffic accidents, for the selected sections, was developed. Regression analyses were carried out to explore possible relationships between PCI and the number of accidents and accident rates. The results of the statistical analysis indicated that urban pavement conditions had a significant effect on accident occurrences and accident rates. The relationship between accidents and PCI had a parabolic shape. The regression models explained 69% and 61% of the variation in accident frequency and rate, respectively. It was found that urban pavement sections with PCI lower than 50 were consistently associated with higher accident frequency or accident rate. Also, a notable increase in accidents was observed for all sections having a PCI greater than 85. The results of the study are comparable with the results found for rural pavement sections. To provide a safe urban environment; therefore, municipal engineers should keep urban pavement in fair conditions and implement appropriate calming measures for good pavement conditions. Keywords: Accident occurrence, Accident rate, Road safety, Pavement condition index (PCI), PAVER system, Pavement management system (PMS), Pavement distresses.
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