Grete Hermann's 1926 paper Die Frage der endlich vielen Schritte in der Theorie der Polynomideale, which appears below in English translation, is an intriguing example of ideas before their time. While computational aspects of mathematics were more fashionable before the abstractions of the twentieth century took hold, mathematicians of that time certainly knew nothing of computers nor of today's idea of what an algorithm is. The significance of the paper can be found on the first page, where we find (in translation):The claim that a computation can be found in finitely many steps will mean here that an upper bound for the number of necessary operations for the computation can be specified. Thus it is not enough, for example, to suggest a procedure, for which it can be proved theoretically that it can be executed in finitely many operations, if no upper bound for the number of operations is known.The fact that the author requires an upper bound suggests that there must exist an actual procedure or algorithm for doing computations. We see in this paper the first examples of procedures (with upper bounds given) for a variety of computations in multivariate polynomial ideals. Thus we have here a paper anticipating by 39 years the birth of computer algebra (generally marked by Buchberger's invention of Gröbner bases in his 1965 Ph.D. thesis). The computational procedures which are presented in this paper include multivariate polynomial factorization, polynomial system solving, least common multiples, greatest common divisors, ideal quotients, divisibility of one ideal by another, fundamental ideals, norms, elementary divisor forms, associated prime ideals, primary decomposition, and isolated components. The statements of the theorems frequently end with "can be computed in finitely many steps". The proofs then outline the methods and compute the bounds. One would not at all expect a 1926 paper to contain optimal algorithms, but the fact that procedures for these computations even existed in 1926 make this paper worthy to be remembered.