ABSTRACT This study aimed to validate an Indonesian version of the teaching questionnaire measuring the competencies of interprofessional education (IPE) facilitators and the characteristics of good clinical educators described by Kerry et al. (2021). A cross-cultural adaptation was developed and consisted of the following steps: forward–backward translation, content validity index measurement, cognitive interviews and a pilot study to measure content validity and reliability, exploratory factor analysis (EFA) to identify the new dimensionality, and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) to confirm the measurement model. The pilot study results confirmed that the Indonesian version of the questionnaire assessing teaching competencies had good internal consistency (ω= .74 for the competencies of facilitators and ω= .88 for the characteristics of good clinical educators). The questionnaire was then administered to 209 clinical educators from five health professions. The EFA revealed two factors for the competencies (ω1= .86, ω2 = .70) and one factor for the characteristics of good IPE clinical educators (ω= .90). The CFA showed that the proposed model had a good fit with the observed data with (chi-square test: p > .05; CMIN/df, TLI, CFI, GFI, and AGFI were within the expected ranges; and RMSEA approximately .05)
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