Aim. To evaluate the impact of investments in mineral extraction on the economic growth of Krasnoyarsk Krai using the dynamics of data for 2004–2021.Objectives. To prepare initial data for modeling in comparable prices; to build statistical models with a time lag; to determine the multiplier and gas pedal coefficients of investment; to demonstrate the possibilities of applying the obtained dependencies.Methods. The authors used the method of economic and mathematical modeling, in particular the calculation of socio-economic indicators using mathematical statistics. The regression model was built using the initial data that meet the requirements of comparability and homogeneity, are relevant and statistically reliable.Results. Dependencies reflecting the investment multiplier effect, i.e. the increase in the gross regional product (GRP) and the volume of shipped products in response to the increase in investment in mining were obtained. Dependencies reflecting the investment gas pedal effect are also obtained, showing how increased income affects the size of investment. The dependencies are applied to solve a number of practical problems.Conclusions. It has been established that investments in mining in Krasnoyarsk Krai have an impact on the growth of GRP and the volume of shipped products. The return on investment has a temporary character. The strongest impact of investments in the current year have on the growth of GRP and shipped products for the next year. The multiplier coefficient is 2.72. Increased income affects the size of investments: the growth of income from mining stimulates the growth of induced investments in the following year with the multiplier coefficient, which is equal to 0.14. The comparison of actual values of investments in mineral resources extraction and volume of shipped products with the target values laid down in the Strategy of socioeconomic development of the region until 2030 has been carried out. The target values, according to the Strategy, are determined with the help of the obtained dependencies. It was established that the actual volume of investments is sufficient to ensure the GRP growth in accordance with the Strategy at the first stage; to ensure growth at the second stage it is necessary to increase investments by 12–15 % annually; to ensure growth at the third stage it is necessary to increase investments by 9–13 % annually from the current state. In order to ensure the values of indicators on the volume of production provided for in the Strategy, it is necessary to increase output by 4–6 % annually compared to 2021.
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