Currently, disintegration of renal calculi, noninvasively, with the use of lithotripters, is in common use. In the hospitals, commercial lithotripters like extra-corporeal shock wave lithotripters (ESWL) are in routine use. These systems are very cumbersome and expensive. Treatment of the patients also takes comparatively more time, due to more number of sittings. The high ultrasonic intensity used in such systems has side effects, and causes damage to delicate nerves and fibers in the surroundings of the stones present in the kidney. Therefore, the present lithotripters are required to be improved by increasing the efficiency of disintegration and other factors. In the present work, the increase in the disintegration efficiency of the ultrasonic lithotripters, in this case Siemens ESWL, is made by stimulating externally the main shock wave with an acoustic stress wave. The cavitation bubbles are found to implode faster, with more disintegration efficiency of the lithotripter, giving in turn, better treatment to the patient, with less sitting time and less ultrasound dosage level.
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