The problem has a simple physical interpretation. as given by Evans, Isaacson and Macdonald [6]. Consider a bar of length L, made of a substance which undergoes a change in crystalline structure at a certain critical temperature, which we denote by To. Assume that this change involves a latent heat of recrystallization, and that the cross-section of the bar does not vary along its length. Let the bar be preheated in such a manner that its initial temperature is To throughout, and so that it is originally in the crystalline form corresponding to the lower energy state. If a constant heat source is applied at one end of the bar, recrystallization will occur, and a boundary line will be propagated along the bar separating the recrystallized segment and that portion which remains in its original state. After an appropriate choice of units for temperature, time, heat, and length, the motion of the interface and the temperature of the bar at any time t ? 0 will satisfy (1.1), as long as x(t) is less than the length of the bar. For the sake of convenience, we may assume L = o , for if the bar should ever be completely recrystallized, the question of finding its temperature reduces to a classical, linear, heat flow problem. Problems such as this, involving the solution of a parabolic equation subject to an extra boundary condition (1.le) which defines the position of the unknown boundary, have been treated in the recent literature under the name of Stefan problems [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 12]. Evans [5], Rubin-
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