This theoretical paper is focussed on the problem of delamination in a multilayered beam loadcarrying structure that is statically indeterminate. The beam is supported by three supports. The middle support represents a vertical spring. There is no external mechanical loading on the beam. Instead of this, the beam is under vertical displacement of the left-hand support. The main goal of the paper is to investigate the delamination due to the displacement of the left-hand support. Another issue that is under consideration is the effect of the vertical spring. The beam has non-linear elastic mechanical behaviour. The parameters of the nonlinear constitutive law that is applied for treating the beam mechanical behaviour vary continuously along the beam length since the beam layers are made of engineering materials that are continuously inhomogeneous in the length direction. Equations for determination of the curvatures and coordinates of the neutral axis in the portions of the beam are constituted. The strain energy release rate (SERR) induced by the support displacement is derived and checked-up by the integral J.
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