발생기 횐쥐 대뇌피질 발생의 형태적 변화와 이에 미치는 ECEE 영향을 구명하기 위해, 태생 14일, 태생 18일, 생후 수유기 및 이유기와 성체 대뇌를 각 부위로 나누어 H-E 염색으로 관찰하였다. EGEE 투여시 태생 14일에 대뇌피질의 두께는 두정엽피질이 제일 두꺼웠으나<TEX>$(95{\pm}12.7\;{\mu}m)$</TEX>, 대조군<TEX>$(102{\pm}14.0\;{\mu}m)$</TEX>에 비해 얇았고, 다른 피질에 비해 후두엽피질<TEX>$(57{\pm}10.5\;{\mu}m)$</TEX>이 제일 얇았다. 각 엽의 두께는 수유기 때에 급성장하는 경향을 나타내었으나, 이유기 이후 성장이 둔화되어 성체기 때와 유사했으며, 성체기 때는 두정엽피질<TEX>$(93.4{\pm}21.6\;{\mu}m)$</TEX>에서 가장 많이 성장하였다. EGEE 투여시 대뇌피질내 신경모세포의 수는 태생 14일 두정엽피질의 외투층에서 제일 많았으나<TEX>$(207.7{\pm}11.4/10^{-2}\;mm$</TEX>, 대조군에 비해 감소되었고<TEX>$(224.2{\pm}13.8/10^{-2}\;mm$</TEX>, 크기는 출생후 3일 후두엽피질의 뇌실막세포층에서 제일 크게 나타났으나<TEX>$(7.5{\pm}1.3\;{\mu}m)$</TEX>), 대조군<TEX>$(9.0{\pm}1.2\;{\mu}m)$</TEX>에 비해 감소되었다. 대조군과 같이 과립세포와 추체세포의 수는 두정엽피질의 II층과 III층에서 가장 많았으나, 대조군에 비해 감소되었고, 크기는 후두엽피질의 IV층과 V층에서 가장 컸으나, 대조군에 비해 감소되었다. EGEE 투여시 대조군과 같이 태생기와 출생후 3일까지의 대뇌피질은 뇌실막세포층, 외투층, 연변층의 3층으로 분화되나, 조직내 빈 강소와 공포가 나타나고, 신경모세포가 합착된 양상이 나타났다. 출생후 5일이후 수유기 때 대뇌피질층은 대조군과 동일하게 4층으로 나눌 수 있으나, 과립세포와 추체세포 내에 빈 강소나 공포가 나타났고, 신경세포의 수는 감소하였다. 이유기와 성체기 때는 대뇌피질의 세포층 구분이 뚜렷하지 않고, 외과립세포, 외추체세포들이 섞여 조직내 빈 강소나 공포가 형성되며, 신경세포 주위 혈관의 내강이 확대되거나 합착되어 나타났다. This study attempts to investigate the developmental alterations of rat cerebral cortex, and the effects of EGEE on the developmental cerebral cortex in the prenatal, postnatal and adults were examined by morphological methods and H-E staining was used for the histological changes. In the case of injection of EGEE, at 14 day of fetal phase, parietal cortex was thickest <TEX>$(95{\pm}12.7\;{\mu}m)$</TEX> but, it was thinner than in the control group <TEX>$(102{\pm}14.0\;{\mu}m)$</TEX> and, occipital cortex <TEX>$(57{\pm}10.5\;{\mu}m)$</TEX> compared with other cortexes was the thinnest in fetal phase. In the suckling phase, each cortex grew thick quickly but, after weanning phase, the growth of the cortex slowed and the thickness of cortex was similar to that of cortex in the adult phase. At 105 day after birth, the parietal cortex was thickest <TEX>$(934{\pm}21.6\;{\mu}m)$</TEX> but, decreased compared with control group <TEX>$(1113{\pm}19.0\;{\mu}m)$</TEX>. When EGEE was injected in intraperitoneal of rat, the number of neuroblasts per unit area was largest <TEX>$(207.7{\pm}11.4/10^{-2}\;mm$</TEX> at the mantle layer of parietal cortex at 14 day of fetal phase but, decreased compared with control group <TEX>$(224.2{\pm}13.8/10^{-2}\;mm$</TEX> , and the size was largest <TEX>$(7.5{\pm}1.3\;{\mu}m)$</TEX> at the ependymal cell layer of occipital cortex at 3 day after birth but, decreased compared with control group <TEX>$(9.0{\pm}1.2\;{\mu}m)$</TEX>. Simillar to control group, the number of granular cells and pyramidal cells were largest at the II and III layer of parietal cortex, but decreased during developmental phase. The size was largest at the IV and V layer of occipital cortex but it was decreased compared with control group. When EGEE was injected in intraperitoneal of rat, the cerebral cortex from fetal phase to 3 day after birth has differentiated into the 3 layers; ependymal, mantle and marginal layer, but empty cisternaes or vacoules in the cerebral cortexes and the condensed phases of neuroblasts were appeared. From 5 day after birth, it has differentiated into the 4 layers; molecular, external granular, mixed layer of internal granular, external and internal pyramidal cells and multiformal layer but, empty cisternaes or vacoules in the granular and pyramidal cell layers were appeared and the number per unit area of neuron was decreased. In the cerebral cortex of the weaning and adult phases, division of cell layers was not clear and empty cisternae was formed in the cortex with the cells in external granular and pyramidal cell layers, was magnified or condensed around blood vessels of neurons.
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