Wastewater analysis (WWA) has been used as a tool to monitor population drug use, both pharmaceutical and illicit, for over 15 years. Policymakers, law enforcement and treatment services may use WWA-derived data to seek an objective understanding of the extent of drug use in specific areas. Therefore, wastewater data should best be reported in a meaningful form to allow those that are not experts in the field to compare the scale within and between drug classes. Excreted drug loads quantified in wastewater describe the mass of drug present in the sewer. Normalisation for wastewater flow and population is standard practice and critical for comparing drug loads between different catchments and indicates a transition to an epidemiological approach (wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE)). A further consideration is necessary to accurately compare the measured level of one drug to another. The standard dose of a drug taken to elicit a therapeutic effect will vary, with some compounds requiring microgram amounts, while others are administered in the gram range. When WBE data is expressed with units representing excreted or consumed loads without considering dose amounts, the scale of drug use when comparing multiple compounds becomes distorted. To demonstrate the utility and significance of including known excretion rates, potency and typical dose amounts into back-calculations of the measured drug load, this paper compares the levels of 5 prescribed (codeine, morphine, oxycodone, fentanyl and methadone) and 1 illicit (heroin) opioid from South Australian wastewater. The data is presented at each stage of the back-calculation starting with the total mass load measured, to consumed amounts factoring in excretion rates and finally the number of doses the load equates to. This is the first paper to describe the levels of 6 opioids measured in wastewater over a 4-year period in South Australia that demonstrate the relative scale of use.
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