Attitude is a relatively enduring and general evaluation of an object, person, group, issue, or concept on a dimension ranging from negative to positive. It plays a vital role in the persuasion of one's behaviour concerning a particular psychological object. The present study aims to measure the attitude of learners towards the "Diploma in Agri Inputs (DAI)" programme offered through Open and Distance Learning (ODL) mode in Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU). To accomplish this, a standardized attitude scale was developed using Likert's summated raring approach, which followed the steps of item collection, relevancy test, item analysis, reliability test, and validity test. A total of 45 statements were collected, of which 25 were retained after editing. The statements were sent to Judges to judge its proper relevancy with a 5-point continuum. Finally, 14 statements were selected equal to or greater than the "t" value of 1.75. The reliability coefficient was found to be 0.82, which showed the scale's reliability. The developed attitude scale will be useful for researchers and extension functionaries in similar studies. Moreover, results revealed that most (70.86 percent) ODL learners had highly favourable attitudes towards the DAI programme. The reason might be the various attracting factors of the DAI programme, such as the teaching-learning process, Knowledge generation through Personal Contact Programme (PCP) classes, Affordable fees, Course duration, Practical exposure to diagnosing pests and diseases, Advanced study material, Student-centred learning, Success stories of agripreneurs and 'Fertilizer dealership license'.
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