This paper presents a proposal of an efficient binaural room-acoustics auralization method, an essential goal of room-acoustics modeling. The method uses a massively parallel wave-based room-acoustics solver based on a dispersion-optimized explicit time-domain finite element method (TD-FEM). The binaural room-acoustics auralization uses a hybrid technique of first-order Ambisonics (FOA) and head-related transfer functions. Ambisonics encoding uses room impulse responses computed by a parallel wave-based room-acoustics solver that can model sound absorbers with complex-valued surface impedance. Details are given of the novel procedure for computing expansion coefficients of spherical harmonics composing the FOA signal. This report is the first presenting a parallel wave-based solver able to simulate room impulse responses with practical computational times using an HPC cloud environment. A meeting room problem and a classroom problem are used, respectively, having 35 million degrees of freedom (DOF) and 100 million DOF, to test the parallel performance of up to 6144 CPU cores. Then, the potential of the proposed binaural room-acoustics auralization method is demonstrated via an auditorium acoustics simulation of up to 5 kHz having 750,000,000 DOFs. Room-acoustics auralization is performed with two acoustics treatment scenarios and room-acoustics evaluations that use an FOA signal, binaural room impulse response, and four room acoustical parameters. The auditorium acoustics simulation showed that the proposed method enables binaural room-acoustics auralization within 13,000 s using 6144 cores.
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