Optical, or diffuse tomography, refers to the use of low-energy probesto obtain images of highly scattering media. The inverse problem forone of the earliest and crudest models of optical tomography amounts toreconstructing the one-step transition probability matrix for a Markov chain(with three kinds of states) from boundary measurements. This modelis too simple and too general to faithfully reflect the physics of diffusetomography but could be of interest in other set-ups. It gives a difficult class ofnonlinear inverse problems for certain networks with a complex pattern ofconnections which are motivated by the diffuse tomography picture. Aremarkable feature of this simple model is that, at least for systems arisingfrom very coarse tomographic discretizations, it gives an exactly solvablesystem of nonlinear equations, i.e. a certain number of unknowns areexpressible in terms of the data and a number of free parameters. Theadvantages of this rather uncommon accident are clear: for instance, it ispossible to go beyond iterative methods of solution, which are very commonfor nonlinear problems. This opens the door for a careful study of theill-conditioned nature of the problem, a subject that is not touched uponhere.The lure of an explicit inversion formula, especially in a nonlinear problem is toomuch of a temptation to pass on, and this paper takes a step in that direction.What we get here is really a careful procedure which might eventually be puttogether as an explicit inversion formula.Existing recursive algorithms in the two-dimensional case hinge on a verycomplete study of a 2 × 2 system, for which it has been previouslyshown that using photon count and time-of-flight information all the unknownparameters are given analytically up to an explicitly described eight-dimensionalgauge.Here we consider, in detail, the three-dimensional situation and present thesolution of a very general 2 × 2 × 2 system.There are a total of 288 unknowns and if only photon count is used there are 576pieces of data. A total of 48 of the unknowns can be prescribed arbitrarily andthen the remaining 240 unknowns can be solved uniquely in terms of these freeparameters and the data. Most of this is done by writing down explicitformulae as in the two-dimensional case. When (the first moment of)time of flight is also used, we show that all parameters are determined upto a 24-dimensional gauge. We show that, unless physical assumptionsare made on the model, this freedom in picking 24 parameters cannotbe eliminated. The results given here should be the basis of a recursivealgorithm for larger systems. This would require using some good ideas frommultiresolution analysis, domain decomposition and/or multigrid methods.
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