Haemovigilance systems are intended to collect and analyse data, and report findings relating to transfusion complications, such as blood product safety, procedural incidents, and adverse reactions in donors and patients. A common problem among developing haemovigilance programs is the lack of resources and tools available to countries striving to establish or enhance their haemovigilance system. World Health Organization, in collaboration with International Society for Blood Transfusion (ISBT), International Haemovigilance Network and other haemovigilance experts embarked on a Haemovigilance Tools Project to collect and provide materials and resources to assist with the stepwise implementation of haemovigilance. Resources are housed as a virtual compendium on the ISBT website under the Haemovigilance Working Party. These are managed by a subcommittee of the Working Party and are freely available and downloadable to all without requiring ISBT membership.
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