The article offers a look at the metaphor as the mechanism of art reception process and at the same timeas the mechanism of consciousness organization together with the unconscious area. The idea is expressedthat in this case the traditional conceptual apparatus of philological science acts as an instrument ofrationalization of the sense of unity with the text, known to any reader. It is assumed that a reader/viewerholistic emotional impression can be considered in a broad psychological context associated with themetaphorization and synesthesia phenomenas.The perception of an art work is defined as a specific communicative act in which the intention of thesubject reception its ability and readiness for an aesthetic experience, a kind of openness to the text and the corresponding art work potential readiness to be experienced play a decisive role. This ability ofthe text to resonate with reader and viewer conscious and unconscious is associated with the specifics of thetext metaphorical structure and the features of identification and experience of metaphor subject.The author reveals the idea that metaphor is the language of the internal psyche structure and at the sametime the mechanism of translation into the sphere of consciousness. From this point of view the authorshow some trends of modern drama: the attraction to the incarnation of metaphors, the object-game.The examples of modern dramaturgic works show how the metaphor is able to accumulate the viewerreceptive activity.The idea that the nature of catharsis lies in the point of the opening access to the unconscious andbecomes possible due to the universal metaphorization portal is emphasized