Recent work on exotic smooth ℝ4,s, i.e. topological ℝ4 with exotic differential structure, shows the connection of 4-exotics with the codimension-1 foliations of S3, SU(2) WZW models and twisted K-theory KH(S3), H ∊ H3(S3,ℤ). These results made it possible to explicate some physical effects of exotic 4-smoothness. Here we present a relation between exotic smooth ℝ4 and operator algebras. The correspondence uses the leaf space of the codimension-1 foliation of S3 inducing a von Neumann algebra W(S3) as description. This algebra is a type III1 factor lying at the heart of any observable algebra of QFT. By using the relation to factor II, we showed that the algebra W(S3) can be interpreted as Drinfeld-Turaev deformation quantization of the space of flat SL(2, ℂ) connections (or holonomies). Thus, we obtain a natural relation to quantum field theory. Finally we discuss the appearance of concrete action functionals for fermions or gauge fields and its connection to quantum-field-theoretical models like the Tree QFT of Rivasseau.
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