Topicality. In the context of market instability caused by hostilities, the entire country's economy is undergoing a process of improvement and adjustment to the new realities, which also affects the state of affairs on world markets, including the global and national markets for plant protection products. The introduction of martial law provokes new challenges, such as: building new and restructuring existing supply chains, taking into account the impact of internal and external factors when building a business model in the field of agrochemicals production, assessing the effectiveness of public policy and the level of its impact on markets. At the same time, the issue of ensuring the stable development of these markets and their elements is not sufficiently studied, which makes it important to search for the latest scientific developments in this area. Aim and tasks. The purpose of the study is to assess the prospects for the development and formation of the market of plant protection products in agriculture at the international and national levels, to analyze the structure of their use, and to identify the countries that are leaders in the use, export and import of pesticides in the world. Objectives of the study: to study the general state of affairs in the field of agrochemicals production; to characterize the essence and vector of changes in the performance indicators of the plant protection products market; to study the impact of plant protection products on crop yields and to assess the financial results obtained by plant protection products manufacturers and farmers who used them; to provide justification for changing the market structure and adjusting it to the current conditions in the presence of hostilities. Materials and methods. The results of the theoretical and balanced combination of scientific works, methodological approaches and provisions in the field of diagnosing and monitoring the balance of development of the global and national markets of plant protection products, as well as their reconfiguration and reorientation, which are covered in the works of fundamental and applied nature. The following methods have been used to solve the outlined tasks: generalization, system analysis, induction, deduction, synthesis, grouping, abstract and logical method. Research results. Proposals for assessing the current state and potential development of the global and domestic markets of plant protection products are presented. In order to analyze the economic component of the development of these markets, proposals are made to improve the physical and economic availability of agrochemical products, investment and technological development of plant protection products markets. A set of actions aimed at facilitating the work of relocated enterprises is proposed. In order to assess the environmental component of the evolution of plant protection products markets, a list of measures aimed at analyzing the dynamics of resource and environmental sustainability of agrochemical producers and their stable functioning is presented. The author focuses on the role of the State and local authorities. It is indicated that the key is the resource and environmental productivity of enterprises producing plant protection products, which contributes to determining the level of environmental performance of enterprises and markets in general. This indicates their ability to create added value with a neutral or positive impact on the environment in the face of resource constraints, challenges and threats to the security environment. Conclusion. The scientific novelty of the study is the development of proposals to provide a comprehensive assessment of the current state and prospects for the development of the global and national markets of plant protection products and agrochemical producers through state support, which made it possible to construct an expanded system of indicators in the economic, social and environmental areas using both traditional and author's indicators with an emphasis on the dynamics of their changes in conditions of instability. Having analyzed the phytosanitary condition of modern agroecosystems, we can conclude that the situation is unsatisfactory and constantly deteriorating. This significantly complicates the technological processes of growing crops and obtaining high and stable yields, even with the intensive use of pesticides without a well-thought-out approach to plant protection. Attention should be drawn to the need for regular monitoring of agrocenoses, assessment of species diversity of weeds, pathogens and pests. Measures should be taken to develop an action plan to offset the consequences of the destruction of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant and restore the areas that suffered damage as a result. It is also necessary to develop an action plan to restore the liberated territories. A list of proposals was also provided to improve the phytosanitary condition of agricultural ecosystems and crop cultivation technologies.
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