ABSTRACT Occupational Therapy Practitioners (OTPs) often support the development of executive function (EF) skills during direct service, while pushing into classrooms, and in consultation with teachers and other service providers. However, there is scarce literature about children’s perspectives on actively learning about EF skills. The present study seeks to understand two concepts regarding EF skills in children. First, how does direct education about EF skills with 2nd-grade students impact their perceived experience of using EF skills in a classroom setting? Second, does directly teaching EFs to second-grade students have an effect on their understanding and performance in the classroom? One 2nd-grade classroom at a school in Brooklyn, NY, received a 3-week intervention based on the EFs2theRescue program, focusing on three core EF skills: working memory, inhibition, and mental flexibility. Qualitative methods used a constructivist grounded theory approach and purposeful sampling to interview nine 2nd graders about their experiences. Participants described their positive experiences through using these strategies in their lives and reported that they are likely to utilize these skills in the future. School-based OTPs can explore using similar programs in their practice and support teachers in implementing direct teaching of EF in their classrooms.
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