Objectives: The aim of the present study was to evaluate and compare the microtensile bondstrength (μTBS) and resin penetration into caries affected dentin (CAD), of a universal adhesivesapplied into two different etching modes (i.e. self-etch or etch-and-rinse), after caries excavationwith two methods, Round tungsten carbid bur CB or Carisolv chemomecanical caries removal(CMCR). Materials and Methods: Fourty human third molar teeth with moderate occlusal cariouslesions were collected. The selected teeth were cut parallel to the occlusal surface of the tooth toexpose the carious lesion. Teeth were divided into two groups (n=20) relative to the caries excavationmethods i.e. Group1: Carisolv CMCR and group 2: round (CB). Each group was subdivided intotwo subgroups (n=10) relative to the applied adhesive mode i.e. subgroup a: the adhesive systemwas applied in a self-etch mode (SE), while in subgroup b: the adhesive system was used in theetch & rinse mode (E & R). Following the application of the adhesive, Filtek Z350 XT resincomposite was applied incrementally onto the CAD. The bonded specimens were thermocycledfor 5000 cycles. The restored teeth were sectioned longitudinally to obtain bonded beams forμTBS. Beams were mounted into the universal testing machine. Bond strength, for each subgroup,was calculated and statistically analyzed. After debonding the beams, the fracture surfaces wereexamined under stereomicroscope to detect the failure modes. One beam, from the area of CAD,from each subgroup was selected for SEM examination. Results: Two-way ANOVA indicated highsignificances for caries excavation and adhesive modes factors (p <.0001). The highest mean valueof μTBS was recorded with CMCR , bonded with E & R mode , followed by CB method, bondedwith E & R mode, CMCR bonded with SE and CB and bonded with SE adhesive; respectively.Tukey’s test displayed that there is no significant difference in the μTBS between the groups bondedwith E & R adhesives, while CB method bonded with SE mode showed significant decrease in theμTBS value (p < 0.05), with all test groups. All the tested groups showed cohesive failure mode indentin rather than adhesive. In contrast, CB excavation method with SE mode displayed increasedadhesive mode of failure rather than the cohesive and mixed modes. Removal of the caries withboth methods and bonding with E & R adhesive resulted in relatively thin hybrid layer, but thickerwith CMCR, with moderate distribution of resin tags. SE mode of adhesion showed a relativelythick hybrid layer with short conical shaped resin tags. The dentinal tubules were at most occludedwith smear blugs and calcfic precipitates. Conclusions: Based on the limitation of this study, theresults showed that the use of Carisolv CMCR does improve the μTBS of universal adhesives toCAD, either in SE or E & R modes.