The usual formula for the r th difference of f(X), at intervals of h, may introduce an error of 2 rε, where ε is the |error| in f(X). When f(X) is either an exact polynomial of the n th degree, or very closely approximated by one within a finite interval, say [−1, 1], the r th difference, at X = X 0, is expressible as ∑ n+1 i=1 a i f(X i), where for certain points X i within [−1, 1], depending upon (X 0, h), ∑ n+1 i=1 |a i| may be very much less than 2 r. Nodes X i that minimize ∑ n+1 i=1|a i| are said to provide “minimal error difference formulas”. For very small h, close approximations to them are obtainable from similar derivative formulas. For other combinations (X 0, h), non-minimal formulas for equally spaced X i's, with a i's precomputed to higher accuracy than that in f(X), greatly reduce ∑ n+1 i=1|a i| from 2 r, ensure its approach to zero with h, and in many cases also yield more decimals and significant figures than the direct differencing of f(X). For r = 1, simple conditions for the non-existence of any expression ∑ n+1 i=1 a i f(X i), which improves ∑ n+1 i=1|a i| to be <2, are given for (X 0, h), expressed as h ≥ h 0 which depends upon X 0 and extrema of Chebyshev polynomials.