Context Lambing triplet-bearing ewes in smaller mobs significantly increases lamb survival. Aims This paper reports economic analysis to assess the optimum mob size for triplet-bearing ewes during lambing. Methods The analyses considered scenarios for Merino and non-Merino (Maternal) flocks where producers subdivided lambing paddocks using permanent fencing or where ewes were re-allocated within existing paddocks on the basis of pregnancy status. Key results The optimum mob sizes for triplet-bearing ewes during lambing were affected by ewe breed, stocking rate, lamb price and the target return-on-investment if subdividing paddocks. The optimum mob size for triplet-bearing Maternal and Merino ewes was between 27% and 40% of the optimum for twin-bearing ewes and this was similar for scenarios where paddocks were subdivided, or where ewes were re-allocated within existing paddocks. At the standard lamb price of AUD$7/kg carcass weight, the economic return from adjusting the relative mob size of triplet-bearing ewes was AUD$2.05 per multiple-bearing or AUD$14.20 per triplet-bearing Maternal ewe and AUD$0.54 per multiple-bearing ewe or AUD$5.70 per triplet-bearing Merino ewe. Conclusions Overall, these analyses demonstrated that reducing mob size at lambing can be a profitable strategy for improving survival of triplet-born lambs, depending on the current size of lambing mobs. Implications As reported previously for single- and twin-bearing ewes, it is difficult to provide generic recommendations to producers for the optimum mob size of triplet-bearing ewes at lambing because optimum mob size was dependent on several enterprise-specific factors.
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