In India around in the second week of March 2020, in order to avoid spread of COVID-19 virus, the Central Governments have declared LOCKDOWN in the country. It results in temporary shutdown of schools and colleges. By looking around, at severity of situation due to spread of the novel corona virus, there is no certainty when schools and colleges will reopen. This is a crucial time for the education field, including board tests, kindergarten admissions, entry tests of various universities and competitive exams. It has greater impact on Education field. It has affected continuous teaching-learning process, student counselling operation, assessment methods of teachers, students’ interest towards higher studies in abroad got lower. Information Communication Technology (ICT) may play important role in the lockdown period by providing online learning platforms. Its need in education is discussed in this paper. With the help of power supply, basic digital skills to teachers and students and internet connectivity digital learning can be made possible. Similarly, students those are from low-income groups or presence of disability, etc. for them distance learning program can be included. To mitigate such hazardous situations, ICT-based learning model is essential. In this paper, ICT-based Learner-Centric Blended Education Model is proposed which blends traditional classroom teaching with e-learning where students and teachers both are active, students can interact with teachers; also, teachers can monitor progress of students, etc. After surveying different research papers on Education Models, it has been observed that in learning based on ICT, the Learner-centric environment need to be implemented. In online platform instructors provide course material to students but personalization of these materials is missing. The proposed work presented an ICT-based Learner-Centric Evolutionary Learning Model which suggests appropriate course material to learner, according to learner’s profile built by our profile builder module which includes details like learning style, demographic details, recommendations, expectations, likes and dislikes. Our proposed work presented is seamless integration of traditional teaching-learning methods with online teaching-learning methods. The equal importance to teachers is given here to design and recommend study material to different types of learners, their preference is at highest priority in proposed recommendation model. Active engagement of students in learning process increases education graph using technologies and finally it will be helpful in development of our country.
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