Abstract. The article, prepared at the intersection of legal theory, administrative law and public administration science, offers the author's view on the development of public administration in the modern conditions of the information society. The author emphasizes the contradictory nature of public administration as a modern phenomenon and the growing importance of the information component in the modern management process. Identification of the contradictions existing in the modern practice of public administration made it possible to apply the dialectical method of cognition of socio-political and legal phenomena and processes. As a universal method of scientific cognition, it forms the methodological basis of the article, the main purpose of which is to substantiate the need to separate the information function into an independent function of public administration. The author emphasizes the categories of public interest and publicity as the priority features of modern public administration. The public interest is motivated as a feature which certifies compliance with socially significant goals in the activities of public administration. And the author proposes to consider publicity as a feature of public administration which plays the role of a preventive measure against potential violation of the public interest. It is argued that it is the publicity of public administration bodies that introduces transparency mechanisms into their activities, and also facilitates the involvement of active citizens in public policy making and assessment of such practices. It is emphasized that achieving openness and public transparency in public administration is generally possible only through increasing the importance of the information component in its functioning. The author is convinced that under these conditions the information function of public administration should be prioritized, which should become its independent function. The legal framework on which the information function of public administration is based is considered. Keywords: public administration; information society; information function of public administration; regulatory and legal support.
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