Radioactiveion beam (RIB) facilities make rich opportunities available for nuclear structure research well as for nuclear astrophysics and applied physics. RIB facilities dnve the increasing understanding of evolution of nuclear structure and the growing wealth of nuclear structure data. The Radioactive Beam Experiment at ISOLDE, REX ISOLDE, has been the dominant experiment in the past ISOLDE running period [13. REX‐ISOLDE profits from vast experience of ISOLDE production of radioactive beams more than 600 isotopes from elements. In addition the resonant ionisation laser ion source (RILIS) can provide beams with high selectivity, even isomeric beams. Since the end 2001 the LINAC has provided radioactive beams from the ISOLDE online separators with energies of 2. MeVIu towards two target stations One target station is used for efficient y-ray MINIBALL array and one target station is dedicated smaller experimental set-ups. In order make the full variety of beams from ISOLDE available for nuclear physics experiments the method of charge breeding of the singly charged radioactive ions has been employed [3] Hence the concept of REX-ISOLDE based on a large Penning trap which accumulates the radioactive ions from the ISOLDE mass separators and allows phase space cooling of the RIBS prepared, the ions are injected into Electron Beam Ion Source (EBIS), which raises the charge state of radioactive ion to an A/q < 4.5. The extracted highly charged ions are charge state selected with subsequent acceleration in a short LINAC. The LINAC allows the variationofthe beam energy between 0.8 and 2.2 MeVh in order to adjust the beam energy for experimental needs.
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