In this article, the magnetized plasma in 1-D ternary periodic photonic crystals is utilized as a kind of single negative material whose real part of permittivity is negative. Some discrete resonant peaks with high transmittance can be observed in the transmission band due to the evanescent wave coupling between plasma layers and dielectric layers. The nonreciprocal effect can be achieved by injecting counter-propagating TM waves into the proposed structure whose time-reversal symmetry and space-reversal symmetry are broken. The transmission band of nonreciprocal evanescent waves can be modulated dynamically due to the tuning of the period number, the plasma frequency, the plasma cyclotron frequency, the filling factor of plasma, and the incident angle. The simulation results indicate that the proposed structure can achieve 100% transmission and strong nonreciprocity, which can supply multichannel unidirectional filters with theoretical references.