Molten salts are proposed as liquid fuels or coolants in a new fleet of molten salt nuclear reactors that would have operational and safety advantages over present reactor systems. Under those conditions, the salt will be exposed to high radiation levels, and understanding the chemical effects of radiolysis on the molten salt fuel or coolant is essential to reliable, efficient and sustainable reactor operation. Building this understanding begins with identifying primary salt radiolysis products (solvated electrons (esolv –) and Cl2 •–) and characterizing their reactivities, for which we conduct high-temperature pulse radiolysis transient absorption spectroscopy at the BNL Laser-Electron Accelerator Facility. Here we report on the reaction kinetics of reactions of metal ions with esolv – and Cl2 •– in different molten salt compositions. Salt mixtures containing mono- and divalent cations are particularly interesting because of their tunable Lewis acidity-basicity that can be used to control the solubility and redox poise of dissolved metal ions in the reactor. Previously we showed how varying the MgCl2:KCl mixing ratio alters the absorption spectra of radiolytically-produced excess electrons, with increasing blue shifts related to the likely number of Mg2+ ions adjacent to the cavity electron. The strong blue shifts indicate significant changes in the electron’s energetics and reactivity that we now have probed by measuring reaction kinetics with metal ion electron acceptors. We observed that reaction rates of the solvated electron depend strongly on the composition of the salt. Reactivity trends among first-row transition metals in eutectic LiCl-KCl will be discussed. This work was supported as part of the Molten Salts in Extreme Environments Energy Frontier Research Center funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science.
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