Environmental Quality Standards (EQS) derived under the European Water Framework Directive are legally binding and enshrined in individual European Member State Country national legislation. These EQS are derived following well-established guidance documents. In 2013, EQS for nickel were derived for freshwaters to be protective against long and short-term exposures, at 4 and 34 µg L-1, respectively. The value for long-term exposures uses chronic ecotoxicity data and accounts for bioavailability, whereas the short-term value uses acute data and does not account for bioavailability. In 2022, the European Commission revised these values as part of the on-going legislative process. Despite an increase in available data for both chronic and acute ecotoxicity endpoints, the update and development of chronic and acute Biotic Ligand Models (BLMs) published in peer-reviewed literature, and the accessibility of vastly more monitoring data (used in the European EQS derivation), the values for the nickel EQS were reduced by increasing the assessment factors, to account for increases in apparent uncertainties. The Commission's 2022 derivation failed to consider additional chronic data for more than 20 species as well as the updated and new acute and chronic BLMs. As a result, the derived nickel EQS is limited in its applicability and relevance to European freshwater ecosystems, as illustrated in practice by the observation that monitoring sites can comply with the chronic EQS but fail the acute EQS. Here, we provide an explanation as to why this has occurred and detail what it means for the risk assessment of nickel in European Member State freshwaters. Finally, we outline a path forward, that should be relevant for any risk-based and evidence-driven regulatory framework and acknowledging that political decisions are part of the process, but that these should be separate and after scientific aspects are undertaken.
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