AbstractIQ theory has seriously affected the lives of countless millions of people in the 20th century and it is no joke that, largely because of IQ theory, a substantial proportion of people, perhaps a majority, have left, and are still leaving school throughout the world, convinced that they are incapable of learning anything very serious (Richardson, 1986). So long as economic forces operate to maintain different social structures, different social practices and child training will result in people focusing on different things in the environment. Focusing on different things will produce different understandings about the nature of the world. Different worldviews will in turn reinforce differential attention and social practices. The different world views will also prompt differences in perception and reasoning processes-which will tend to reinforce world views (Nisbett, 2003). A brain-based approach to intelligence comprising 4 major cognitive processes offers an alternative route that bypasses the general factor of intelligence, g.Keywords: cognitive, competence, culture, intelligence, malnutritionResumeLa theorie sur le QI a grandement nui a des millions de gens au cours du 20e siecle, et ce n'est pas une blague. Essentiellement, une multitude de personnes dans le monde entier ont laisse, voire encore aujourd'hui abandonnent l'ecole, convaincues, pour une grande part d'entre elles, peut-etre la majorite, qu'elles sont incapables d'apprendre de la matiere serieuse (Richardson, 1986). Tant que des forces economiques travaillent au maintien de structures sociales differentes, des pratiques sociales et des methodes de formation des enfants differentes feront en sorte que les gens se concentreront sur des elements differents de l'environnement. Le fait de se concentrer sur des elements differents menera a une comprehension differente de la nature du monde. Et des visions du monde differentes renforceront les points d'interet et des pratiques sociales differencies. Les visions du monde differentes susciteront aussi des differences dans les processus de perception et de raisonnement - lesquels tendent a consolider les visions du monde (Nisbett, 2003). Une demarche basee sur le cerveau pour comprendre l'intelligence incluant 4 principaux processus cognitifs constitue une autre option, laquelle fait fi du facteur general d'intelligence,«g».Mots-cles : cognitif, competence, culture, intelligence, malnutrition.A General Factor of Intelligence and its AlternativeThe review on intelligence by Deary (2012) suggests that g,or a general factor of intelligence, is thriving despite its many detractors. However, my depiction of intelligence aims to undermine the longevity of g. I, along with many of my colleagues, have proposed multiple intelligences rather than accept that there is only g at the end of factor analysing a vast number of tests on a huge population of participants; this is reviewed in the recent account of g (Deary, 2012). Instead of one general intelligence, Sternberg (1985) found three kinds, as in triarchic theory. Das, Naglieri, and Kirby (1994) found four kinds of cognitive processes that constitute intelligence. Gardner (2000) listed at least seven kinds. The scholars advocating multiple intelligences have also been located outside the Euro-American tradition of studies based on White European industrialized and democratic (WEIRD) populations (Henrich, Heine, & Norenzayan, 2010).This essay, then, has two major parts. First, I discuss the persistence of the notion of g. Second, I describe an alternative model of intelligence that bypasses g, while travelling through the land of intelligence across geographical and cultural divides. I show that the same four major cognitive processes, planning, arousal-attention, and two ways of processing information-simultaneous and successive-can be found in different cultures. That is, they are universal. However, the expression of the cognitive processes as measured by tests is influenced by culturally universal as well as culturally unique factors. …
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