New data are given about the infraciliature, cytoskeleton, and morphogenesis during cell division in Euplotes focardii. Our observations indicate slight variability in the dorsal and ventral infraciliary pattern. The oral infraciliature is composed of a paroral complex formed by 29–34 oblique rows of kinetosomes and an adoral zone of membranelles in which three parts can be distinguished according to the number of rows and the infraciliary composition of the paramembranelles. Besides the complex microtubular cytoskeleton connected with the dorsal and ventral somatic infraciliatures, characteristic of the genus Euplotes, we observe two argentophilic zones in the anterior zone of cirrus 6 and between the posterior part of the paroral complex and the adoral zone of membranelles. The process of cell division is generally similar to that described in other species of Euplotes, but the somatic origin of cirrus 1 and the origin of the left marginal cirri from a single primordium should be noted. Finally, in E. focardii we observe the development of systems of microtubular bundles, which are probably connected with the movements of the ventral cirri during morphogenesis.