Production, transport and deposition of sulphate and black carbon (BC) are simulated separating aerosol modes by production mechanisms, thus facilitating calculation of aerosol physical properties. The scheme uses explicit sulphur chemistry with prescribed oxidants and aerosol transformation based on Brownian coagulation rates, and is implemented in a 3-D, hemispheric-scale transport model with off-line meteorology from ECMWF. The components are DMS, SO 2, sulphate and BC. Simulations are made for the year 1988. Predicted results for sulphate agree well with the measurements, except for considerable underestimations in the Arctic. In Europe SO 2 is slightly overestimated and sulphate is slightly underestimated in cold seasons, whilst trends are less clear in North America. Compared to many other models, we estimate a smaller effective oxidation rate for SO 2 due to reduced rates in cold clouds; a shorter turnover time for sulphate (3.7 d) due to a probably too large below-cloud scavenging ratio; and slightly smaller sulphate column burdens. Our BC results are similar to Liousse et al.’s (1996, J. Geophys. Res. 101, 19.411–19.432) except in USA, whilst the concentrations in remote areas and the turnover time (3.7 d) are considerably smaller than Cooke and Wilson’s (1996, J. Geophys. Res. 101, 190.395–19.409). Agreements with available measurements are quite close to large anthropogenic emissions (including USA), but they are considerably underestimated in Arctic winter. Transition from hydrophobic to hydrophilic BC due to coagulation is swift (6% h -1). Sensitivity tests emphasize that sub-cloud scavenging coefficients rely on careful assumptions about size distributions, and that more research is needed on sulphate production in ice-clouds. Emphasis should also be put on production of sulphate and hydrophilic BC boundary-layer clouds; inclusion of hydrophobic accumulation mode BC and sub-grid transition to hydrophilic BC in emitting grid squares.