We analyze a service system in which two identical servers move one at a time along a linear array of N positions. Requests for service, each designating one of the N positions, join a first-in-first-out queue, where processing of the nth request does not begin until processing of the (n − 1)th requested is completed. Processing the nth request entails determining which server to move, moving this server to the requested position, and then performing the service. Several potential applications of the model are mentioned, the most notable being the design of computer storage systems with multiple access devices. Within a simple probability model we compare server-selection policies in terms of the equilibrium expected distance a server is moved in processing a request. Distance is measured under two regimes, both assigning a unit distance between adjacent positions. In the first, the positions are thought of as equally spaced along a line (interval), and in the second, equally spaced along a circle (positions 1 and N are adjacent). For the interval problem the server-selection policies examined include the partition rule, whereby die interval is bisected and a server restricted to the requests in each half-interval, and the nearer-server rule whereby service is always provided by the server closer to the requested position, with ties broken in favor of the right-hand server. Under the assumption that requested positions are distributed uniformly over the set of N, our results show that expected server motion under the nearer-server rule is approximately 0.1625 N for moderately large N, which is to be compared with the known result of N/6 = 0.1666 … N for the partition rule. We also derive an optimization rule for which numerical calculations indicate that 0.1598 N is the approximate performance for large N. A number of other results plus two conjectures are presented which characterize optimization rules on the interval. Finally, extensive numerical calculations are displayed which describe the joint distributions of server positions under the nearer-server and a related rule. For the more tractable circle problem we prove that die nearer-server rule is optimal, and we derive an explicit form for the stationary density of the distance between servers. It is noted that the nearer-server rule is also optimal when the circle is generalized to 2-point homogeneous spaces (e.g., a Euclidean sphere) in more than one dimension.
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