Precise in vitro oxytocic potencies of synthetic oxytocin, arginine vasotocin, arginine vasopressin and deamino-oxytocin were obtained from metestrous or diestrous rats and from diethylstilbestroltreated rats. In each of the 2 endocrine conditions, van Dyke-Hastings solution with 0.5 mM Mg or no magnesium was used to bathe the uterus. Four oxytocic potencies were therefore obtained for each peptide. Both estrogen and magnesium usually influenced potency significantly. Alterations of potency by these 2 factors appeared to vary independently from one another. The most consistently useful and sensitive rat uterus is one treated with diethylstilbestrol and bathed in a solution containing magnesium ion. {Endocrinology 76: 90, 1965) T IN VITRO rat oxytocic potencies of several highly purified neurohypophysial hormones and analogues were previously determined with 0.0 and 0.5 mM Mg++ in van Dyke-Hastings solution (1). The ratio, Potency, USP U/mg in 0.5 HIM Mg++ Potency, USP U/mg in 0.0 HIM Mg++' RMK++, was greater than 1.0 for the following peptides: 8-arginine vasopressin (1.6), 8-arginine oxytocin (arginine vasotocin) (1.9), 3-phenylalanine oxytocin (oxypressin) (1.4), 2-phenylalanine oxytocin (2.9), 8-lysine vasopressin (2.6), and 3-valine oxytocin (3.6). Oxytocin was the sole substance assayed whose potency was not significantly augmented by the presence of magnesium. Although responses to oxytocin were increased by magnesium, they were less potentiated than the responses to other peptides. Arginine vasopressin and oxytocin are both present in the USP Posterior Pituitary Reference Standard. Magnesium Received June 23, 1964. Supported in part by grants in aid from the National Institutes of Health (HD-00589); Fluid Research Fund, University of Colorado Medical Center; and Sandoz Pharmaceuticals, Inc., San Francisco, California. potentiates responses to the vasopressin far more than to the oxytocin. Therefore, in assaying against this mixed standard, which is more potentiated than oxytocin because of its vasopressin content, pure oxytocin appears to have relatively less potency (RMK++=0.86). Rats used for the above study were not treated with an estrogen, nor were they examined to determine whether or not they were cycling. Some were probably very immature and anestrous, but others were cycling, as judged by the occasional appearance of typical estrous uteri. Practical use was made of the apparently unique RMg++ of oxytocin by comparing it to the RjigH of natural peptides which resembled oxytocin in their chromatographic and pharmacological characteristics. Munsick et al. (2) thus tentatively identified oxytocin in eluates of paper chromatograms of extracts of chicken posterior pituitary glands. They based this identification partially upon an Rjtfg++ of less than 1.0 for the distal, oxytocin-like principle in paper chromatograms. Presence of oxytocin in the chicken posterior lobe was later proved chemically by Acher et al. (3). Recently, Chan et al. (4) stated that
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