Abstract The Ka-band radar interferometer (KaRIn) on the Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) satellite that was launched in December 2022 is providing the first two-dimensional altimetric views of sea surface height (SSH). Measurements are made across two parallel swaths of 50-km width separated by a 20-km gap. In the data product that will be used for most oceanographic applications, SSH estimates with a footprint diameter of about 3 km are provided on a 2 km × 2 km grid. Early analyses of in-flight KaRIn data conclude that the instrumental noise for this footprint diameter has a standard deviation less than σ3km = 0.40 cm for conditions of 2-m significant wave height. This is a factor of 2.3 better than the prelaunch expectation based on the science requirement specification. The SSH fields measured by KaRIn allow the first satellite estimates of essentially instantaneous surface current velocity and vorticity computed geostrophically from SSH. The effects of instrumental noise on smoothed estimates of velocity and vorticity based on early postlaunch assessments are quantified here as functions of the half-power filter cutoff wavelength of the smoothing. Signal-to-noise ratios for smoothed estimates of velocity and vorticity are determined from simulated noisy KaRIn data derived from a high-resolution numerical model of the California Current System. The wavelength resolution capabilities for σ3km = 0.40 cm are found to be about 17 and 35 km for velocity and vorticity, respectively, which correspond to feature diameters of about 8.5 and 17.5 km, and are better than the prelaunch expectations by about 45% and 35%.
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