By the use of an underwater bottom-mounted Horizontal Linear Array (HLA), the two-dimensional joint localization technique and its accuracy are analyzed in this article. The proposed method takes advantage of arrival angles measured by a dual-subarray system consisting of a large-aperture HLA. Then, for the system, expressions for source position estimate and error variation are derived. Analysis of the Geometrical Dilution of Precision, which is a measure of localization error defined in Eq. (4), reveals that the localization error is mainly related to the source bearing, subarray interval and their measurement errors. In order to investigate the impact of the underwater waveguide, numerical simulations were carried out based on the normal mode theory. By using the distribution of acoustic intensity and structure of modal arrival, it is proved that the localization accuracy increases as the grazing angle and the subarray interval increase. However, when the measurement errors of source bearing and subarray interval increase, the localization accuracy will decrease. In addition, the obtained bearing estimation result provides an evident characteristic of beam spreading. When sources are near the end-fire direction of the dual-subarray system, significant bearing estimation error occurs, the negative effect of which is then presented. By applying the Subspace Intersection method, unbiased bearing estimation has been achieved, with relatively reduced computational complexity. Most of all, the improved localization performance is validated by experimental data collected in the South China Sea.
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