Quantum machine learning recently gained prominence due to the promise of quantum computers in solving machine learning problems that are intractable on a classical computer. Nevertheless, several studies on problems which remain challenging for classical computing algorithms are emerging. One of these is classifying continuously incoming data instances in incremental fashion, which is studied in this paper through a hybrid computational solution that combines classical and quantum techniques. Hybrid approaches represents one of the current ways for the use of quantum computation in practical applications. In this paper, we show how typical issues of domain-incremental learning can be equally addressed with the properties of quantum mechanics, until to offer often better results. We propose the framework QUARTA to combine algorithms of quantum supervised learning, that is, variational quantum circuits, and techniques used in quantum unsupervised learning, that is, distance estimation. We aim at keeping the classification capabilities, which have learned on previously processed data instances, preserved as much as possible, and then acquiring new knowledge on new data instances. Experiments are performed on real-world datasets with quantum simulators.
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