The reactions of 4-acetyl-1-naphthyl acetate (1) and 6-acetyl-2-naphthyl acetate (2) with a series of amines of varying pKa,viz. morpholine, ammonia, ethanolamine, glycine, n-butylamine, piperidine, hydrazine, imidazole, and hydroxylamine, are subjected to a kinetic investigation in aqueous medium, 30°C, ionic strength 0.1 M (KCl ). Pseudo-first-order rate coefficients (kobs ) are found under amine excess. The plots of (kobs − kH) against free amine concentration are linear at constant pH. The macroscopic nucleophilic substitution rate coefficients (kN) are obtained as the slopes of these plots and found to be pH-independent for all the amines employed. The Brönsted-type plots obtained (log kN against amine pKa) for the aminolysis of both esters 1 and 2 are linear with slope values of β = 0.74 and β = 0.94, respectively. From these values, the kinetic law and the analysis of products, it is deduced that for both esters aminolysis proceed through a zwitterionic tetrahedral addition intermediate (T±) whereby its dissociation into products is rate-limiting (k2 step). Comparison of kN values among them shows that both esters follow an identical mechanistic pathway with 1 having higher reactivity than 2, the reasons for which are discussed. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Int J Chem Kinet 33: 157–164, 2001
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