A hemolytic disease of the newborn may occur when the mother and fetus are incompatible according to the AB0 system or the Rh factor. Hemolytic disease is primarily observed in instances where the mother has blood group 0(I) according to the AB0 system, and in the fetus or newborn, according to the degree and frequency of inheritance, it is A(II), B(III). It is the most prevalent manifestation of the newborn nosology, with the initial stage being growth itself, and the level of total bilirubin (its indirect fraction). It is probable that other clinical and biochemical indicators undergo direct metabolic changes in response not only to the state of progressive hyperbilirubinemia, but also as an adaptive mechanism even in the absence of hemolytic disease in children of this group. The aim of the study. To conduct an analysis of the relationships between the biochemical indicators of umbilical cord blood from mothers with 0(I) blood group and with a negative Rh(D) factor, regardless of the blood group, without signs of hemolytic disease (HDN). Research materials and methods. This work involved the analysis of 30 umbilical cord blood samples, as well as the determination of the infant group (according to the AB0 system) and rhesus blood affiliation. The objective was to assess the main biochemical indicators of the newborn's functional state. The analysis included total and direct bilirubin, total protein, albumin, the calculation of the albumin-globulin coefficient, glucose, urea, creatinine, and the activity of a group of enzymes (ALT, AST, γ-GT, AF, total LDH (LDHtotal)). The statistical calculation of the obtained results was carried out using the Pearson correlation test (rxy). Group comparisons were carried out using the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney-Test (for the coincidence of the Rhesus characteristics of maternal and cord blood) and the The Kruskal–Wallis test for comparing the average values of three or more samples (for the coincidence of maternal and cord blood groups when inheriting this characteristic). The ratio of groups and rhesus was evaluated according to Fisher's comparative test (F-distribution). Research results and their discussion. In the correlation analysis of the obtained data, a positive correlation was noted according to the Pearson test between the level of albumin and total protein (rxy=0.867, p=0.000). In the format of nitrogenous exchange, probable changes are also observed between the concentration of urea and total protein (p=0.023), between urea and albumin (p=0.033), and between creatinine and urea (p=0.025). Our studies show positive correlations between the activity of AF and AST (rхy=0.914, р=0.000), between LDHtotal and AST (rхy=0.637, р=0.000), as well as between LDHtotal and AF (rхy=0.517, p=0.004). All these indicators are important for a comprehensive assessment of biochemical homeostasis. It was found that the inheritance from mother to child of the rhesus and group traits also affects the value of ALT, AST, creatinine. Concusions. The analysis of umbilical cord blood indicators in a small group of samples (30) indicates probable changes and correlational relationships between them. To enhance the reliability and significance of the data, we intend to expand the number of samples under study. This will enable us to either substantiate or invalidate the current findings and, in due course, establish reference values for the Bukovyna region.
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