During the preparation of membranes from human erythrocytes by osmotic lysis in 20 imosM Tris buffer at pH 7.6 there is a decrease in total ATPase activity and concomitantly a progressive alteration of the membrane (maximal at the fourth wash), as indicated by the exposure of (Na +,K +,Mg 2+)-ATPase activity. These changes are pronounced at pH 7.6 but occur to a much lesser extent at pH 5.8. Examination of calf and goat erythrocytes showed that these membranes are maximally altered (as indicated by ATPase activity) in the first hypotonic wash in the 20 T buffer, pH 7.6. Again a loss of total ATPase activity (units) was noted. These results emphasize some of the problems encountered in correct depiction of the characteristics of a membrane and provide an interesting avenue to further study on factors involved in the stability and behavior of these membranes.