The number of patients with oral lichen planus (OLP) has increased due to the raise of aggressive forms of the disease (erosive, ulcerative and hyperkeratotic forms) with a possible risk of malignancy. There are isolated researches which indicate a genetic determinism to OLP, but more often these conclusions are based on insufficiently adequate and out of date methods, which make it impossible to correctly interpret the obtained data. The aim was to identify a genetical predisposition with a programmed risk to the oral lichen planus. The main group – 278 patients with the OLP (aged 26-65 years). The control group – 298 people (blood donors) who didn’t have dental diseases, as well as diseases of internal organs and systems. The groups were homogeneous by gender and age. In our research we used such methods: clinical, radiological, immunogenetic, statistical methods were used. The erosive form of OLP was associated with 0(I) group in 54.2±0.4% of cases, while the hyperkeratotic form was associated with group 0(I) only in 28.7±1.8% of cases. B(ІІІ) and AB(ІB) groups were less often associated with the erosive form of OLP and were observed in 17.3±0.1% and 2.0±0.1% of cases, respectively. The integration of A(ІІ) group in the erosive form of OLP was 30.5±0.1%, but the indicator was higher than in individuals with B(III) and AB(IV) groups. Hyperkeratotic form of OLP was more often observed in A(II) carriers than in 0(I) and was 44.1±0.1% versus 28.7±1.8%, respectively. With blood group B (ІІІ), the relationship with OLP is not traced. Correlative relationship with erythrocyte blood antigens of the ABO system in patients with oral lichen planus was established. Risk groups for the development of erosive and hyperkeratotic forms of lichen planus in patients with gastrointestinal tract pathology O(I)>A(II)>B(III) – with erosive form and A(II)>O(I)>B(III)) – with hyperkeratosis.
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