Abstract Introduction Over/Under is a sportsbook wager term. Peyronie’s disease (PD) affects men of all ages with an estimated prevalence of up to 9% of the population. The Peyronie’s Disease Questionnaire (PDQ) Scale provides an opportunity to assess patient perception of their disease and the impact it has on quality of life. A potential discrepancy between patient-perceived and physician-measured curvature is important aspect of triaging care for patients with PD. Counseling, management and treatment risks are impacted by PD triage. Objective To investigate patient accuracy in perceived degree of curvature in Peyronie’s disease. Are patients over estimating or underestimating PD curvature? Methods A retrospective chart review was performed on 57 patients with diagnosis of Peyronie’s disease at our institution. Patients in the study completed a Peyronie’s Disease Questionnaire (PDQ) Scale with additional prompts including, but not limited to, penile curvature with erection, number of penile curvatures, and degree of each penile curvature. All patients had office based testing with intracavernous injection of Alprostadil and color duplex Doppler assessment (CDDU). The primary outcome was estimation of concordance of curvature estimated by patient and measured by provider. Patient overestimation was defined as perceived curvature more than 15 degrees greater than measured curvature. Underestimation was defined as patient-estimated curvature 15 degrees less than measured curvature. Results Of the 57 patients, 51 patients met study criteria with a completed questionnaire, documented physician-measured curvature, and absence of an hourglass deformity on examination. Patient concordance with physician-measure curvature within 15 degrees was observed in forty patients (78%). Overestimation of curvature was recorded in eight patients (16%), while three patients (6%) underestimated their curvature. Conclusions The PDQ Scale is a useful tool in assessing degree of curvature in patients with PD. We carefully selected men who had normal vascular erection responses to Alprostadil in office and compared provider measurements to patient’s home estimate of curvature. Our study finds that in men with no co-existing erectile dysfunction and no hourglass deformities the majority (78%) accurately estimate their penile curvature within 15 degrees of measured curvature. PDQ cannot replace physical examination of Peyronie’s disease or office based intracavernous induced erections as discordance between percieved and measured curvature is 22%. Disclosure No.
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